Association of oocyte development with ovarian morphology and gonadosomatic index in the sesarmid crab Episesarma singaporense (Tweedie,1936)

Publication Detail

Owner Division fishtech faculty Trang Campus
Related Project ) Reproductive biology of the sesarmid crab, Episesarma singaporense in Trang mangrove forest
Journal Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology
Publication Level International
Publication Database Scopus, ISI
Published Date 1 january 2020
Volume 43
Issue 1
From Page 50
To Page 56
This is my educational thesis No
Publication Files

Publication Team

Head of Project
No. Researcher Department/Organization Team Position Dedication (%)
1Asst. Prof. Dr. Chanyut Sudtongkongfishtech faculty Trang CampusHead of Project70
2Asst. Prof. Watthana Watthakunfishtech faculty Trang CampusCo-Researcher30